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Delusion, Detachment, Divination

Sasi Chandru


Being in pain, the most precarious litmus test for neurons. Falling short or fulfillment leads to painful states?

Great things in life come in bits and pieces at different intervals — building a monolith out of it is a kind of life experience and ducky to its existence itself. Jubilation is a jailor to emotions; emotions are the cause of delusions. If it’s confusing, contemplating, conflicting, then it’s a kind of emotion too. What is an emotionless state? It’s nothing but a discipline of detachment.

When things keep falling for one and falling at one’s feet, when really not mattered anymore, then one seems to have attained a divine state. Is divine state a goal or an objective? It’s not but a transition state that happens when one surrenders to dethrone the ego of oneself. Teachers teaching all kids alike; all kids learning alike; some surprising the rest with outstanding outputs — all an example of detachment in progress.

Achievements are aplenty when detachment is at work. The more the attempt to possessions; the more the action to disposition. What one gets is what one seeks; what one finally gets is not what one fiercely sought — the gap is a theory of emotional continuity. Employment is the safest route to build an economy and the least nourishing effort in the end; entrepreneurship is the last option to decipher economy, yet the most relaxed rendezvous and enlightening experience for births.

Unlike science, conscience has no limitations

Conscience, while making mistakes, behaves as hapless as sea turtles losing their eggs on the shores. The same conscience, after realization, haunts the depth of it as relentless as hyenas do with their prey — only difference, hyenas attack as a pack at one time but conscience in multiple avatars till the system blinks. This is when those unconscious state of affairs come handy where the recall process is curtailed and redemption remains near zero.

Intoxication happens in two forms — physical and mental. The physical one is instant and recoverable whereas the mental one remains eternal and irrevocable. Path to divinity is an exercise of intoxication using one of these techniques. Actions determine being mortal or immortal and not outputs. Waning light doesn’t have to be the hunter’s ally all the time. Elephant’s strength lies in its memory whereas mind’s power in rumination.

Continued blessed acts; corrected bad thoughts always lead to a greater productivity of humankind. High attachment to achieving something invites paranoid; no sense of achievement introduces paucity. Nature is the most powerful and the least respected judge; justice takes its time, sometimes it will be so sweet that it turns out to be bitter due to its delay in action. Falling between two stools is what admits one’s consciousness to kindergarten.

Silence, a crime when shouts can save lives.

Being content is a way of addiction — if it remains as-is across all types of scenarios. A roomful of faces reminds you of some experience in the past so does any odor. When you travel back to those experience, the divine feel gets you all the detachment hovering over all the delusions. Most of them would appear to be silly and childish where one wants to take rebirth and never grow from there.

What if the world had the power of using time machines? The world would have been an empty terrain by now, though the planet would be heavier not only with the same size of population but also with heavy-heartedness on reconciliation.

If life were a science, reverse-engineering would have been a seasonal invasion of the past — going back and forth as and when needed. Unfortunately life is an art where artists of subconsciousness succeed and altruists of consciousness suffer.



Sasi Chandru

Indo-American, Technology, Business Consulting, Veteran